Smack my bitch up is the most heavy,dirty,shambolic and unstoppable Dance record ever recorded.It is largly instrumental apart from some Indian-style melodys in the middle and slowed down vocals which repeats the line ''Smack my bitch up'' throughout the song. Just as hard-hitting and angry as Firestarter is the excellent Breathe.Using the same formula of big beats and Punky vocals.It's not a big departure from Firestarter and it can leave disappointed after a few listens.Thankfully,things take a change of pace with fourth track 'Out Of Space' even through it sounds like a cheesy novelty record with it's high-pitched vocals and rapid keyboards,it stills get you out of your sit and dancing.Īfter this comes the album's (if not The Prodigy's) finest track. ''I'm a firestarter,a twisted firestarter'',screams Filnt over some stadium-sized beats.Pure jaw dropping genius. Opening track Firestarter was the song that pushed The Prodigy out of the clubs and into the arenas.The track still sounds as fresh and rebellious as it did 8 years ago.Filnt's vocals could make John Lydon weep with envy. Their Law:The Singles 1990-2005 is unshameful The Prodigy's greatest hits.It charts the band's progess from underground favourites to saviors of Dance music.Everything worth mentioning about The Prodigy can be found on this 15 track compilation.From the fiery battle cry of Firestarter,the trashy Spitfire to the recent reworking of Voodoo People.There's something here for everyone to enjoy. Dance music can be a hit and miss affair.Some artists (if you want to call them that) release bucket loads of crappy 80's cover and stick semi-naked models in the video to get the attention of 12 year old boys.Then there's the acts who bleed with passion and energy and push the boundaries of the genre.The Prodigy are the latter.Formed in Braintree,England in early 1990,The Prodigy are recongnize as Britain's finest Dance band.Even though their sound often skip from genre to genre,mixing Rock,Punk and Rap elements to their Techno sound.